
Many of you have probably heard about the earthquake in Haiti. In case you don’t know exactly what’s going on, his island was hit by a 7.0 earthquake earlier this week. At least three million people have been impacted — and even then, that’s just an estimate. Many have been left injured, homeless, grieving, or dead. We’re still not sure of the death count, but it is significant. In short, Haiti is in desperate need.

Here at Ignition, we know that we can be doing things to help. The most important thing we can do right now is pray. There is more going on than we can see, much of it spiritual. The Haitians are poor, malnourished, and in need of Jesus. We need to pray for their protection, health, and safety, but most of all their salvation.

Please join us in praying for this country. As young people, this is what we can do to make a difference. Here are some specific things to pray for:

  • The salvation of the Haitian people
  • Their protection – others are trying to use the earthquake as an advantage to steal and loot.
  • Their health – many areas are running out of critical food and water, and there is potential for disease and sickness.
  • Their safety – pray that the Haitians would be protected against their enemies, physical and spiritual.
  • For His Glory Adoption Outreach – This is an orphanage dedicated to serving God and taking care of the many orphans in Haiti. Right now, the children are living in tents, and they have even converted a semi-truck into a room for the babies. They are also running out of food and water, and because the banks and other facilities are closed, it’s difficult to purchase more. You can read more updates on their website. Please pray for these children.

I’d like to launch a prayer vigil on this blog. The trouble in Haiti will last far beyond the initial earthquake, as the Haitians try to pick up the pieces and deal with the devastation. As young people, we have special opportunity and influence as prayer warriors. I believe our prayers are not only essential but necessary in this situation.

Catey and I will hopefully be posting updates about the situation in Haiti, as well as prayer requests, as we kneel before God for this country. Please join us.

If you would like to spread the word, I’ve made a special blog button you can put on your blog or website. The code is in the comments section of this post, so you can easily copy and paste it into your sidebar.

Come on, prayer warriors. Let’s pray.

~ by Sky Destrian on January 18, 2010.

2 Responses to “Haiti”

  1. Praying for Haiti Image Code:

    [a href=”https://ignitionchallenge.wordpress.com/category/haiti/” rel=”nofollow”][img src=”https://ignitionchallenge.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/praying-for-haiti-blue.png?w=150&h=150″ border=”1″][/a]

    Just change the [ ] into HTML brackets, then copy and paste into your sidebar. If you need any technical support, or would like the actual HTML code, just email us.

  2. Hey! I’ll be posting about this on my blogs, if you don’t mind. 🙂 This is a great thing, Kylie, and I know that our prayers will help make an impact!

    God bless,

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